We are growing and we want you to grow with us. Do you have a children's book you think the world needs to read? Or beautiful illustrations you want to share with everyone? Send it our way!
Before you send us anything, please read the following guidelines carefully.

Lil’ Libros publishes children's book that celebrate multicultural voices and stories. We are currently looking for projects in fiction and nonfiction books for children ages 0-8 years old, as well as activity and educational kits.
- We prefer to receive children's book submissions and illustrations on compact discs, flashdrives, etc, for review. Absolutely no in person submissions.
- If you have a story but no artwork to include, we will pair you up with one of our illustrators!
- No physical materials submitted via mail will be returned. Please do not send your only copy. Photocopies will do.
- Include your complete contact information with your submission (email and phone number).
- If you have a literary agent, please note that along with their contact information.
- If we are interested in your submission, you can expect to hear from us within 3 months after we receive your submission. We will not respond to an unsolicited submission unless interested in publishing it.
Where to Send Your Proposal
You can send your proposal, manuscripts, and images for consideration as email attachments to: submissions@littlelibros.com
We do not track receipt of submissions at this time, therefore we will not be able to give you confirmation that your materials have been received.
By submitting your manuscript and/or artwork you acknowledge that because of our position in the publishing industry we receive numerous solicited and unsolicited submissions of ideas, formats, stories, illustrations, suggestions and the like, and that many such submissions heretofore or hereafter received can be similar to or identical to those being developed by us or our employees or to those otherwise available to us.
You acknowledge that no contractual relationship now exists between you and Lil’ Libros, and you further acknowledge that no such relationships are established between you and Lil’ Libros by reason of you submitting your material.